Town of Fletcher, North Carolina

Why Fletcher?

Town staff is available to work with developers and prospective business owners to explain regulations and opportunities within the Fletcher community.  Feel free to contact Town Hall with questions at 687-3985.

The Town of Fletcher Tax Rate is $0.28 per $100.00 of valuation.

To apply for business registration please click here to learn more.

Local resources for businesses include:

  • FABA – Fletcher Area Business Association
  • Blue Ridge Community College
  • The Greater Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce
  • The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Waste Reduction Partners
  • Advantage West
  • The Mountain Micro-Enterprise Fund
  • Self-Help Credit Union
  • First Citizens Bank, Fletcher Branch
  • United Federal Credit Union, Fletcher Branch


Five other reasons why it’s good to do business in Fletcher . . .

1) Hospitality and entrepreneurship are integral parts of our history.
2) Location, location, location.
3) We are a leader in recreation.
4) Fletcher is a fertile environment for growing your business.
5) Fletcher is future thinking, but action-oriented.

1) Hospitality and entrepreneurship are integral parts of our history.

Fletcher developed as a stopping point for travelers and the railroad between Hendersonville and Asheville.  Dr. George Fletcher located his house at the crossroads of Old Plank Road (now US 25) and Howard Gap Road in 1856.  His house not only accommodated his growing family but also served as an inn for many travelers.  By 1860, Dr. Fletcher had built a blacksmith’s shop, a store, and tannery, and other families had settled in the area starting businesses of their own.  Today, the Town of Fletcher has an established tradition of hospitality, business development, and neighbors caring and working together for the community.  The Town is committed to working with local businesses and industries to create a vibrant local economy and a high quality of life.

2)  Location, location, location.

The Town’s proximity to Asheville Regional Airport, Interstate 26, and the major tourism destinations of Henderson and Buncombe counties make our area a desirable place to conduct business and to live.  Fletcher is located midway between Hendersonville and Asheville and is surrounded by rolling hills and views of the mountains on all sides.  It is not surprising that the Fletcher area is home to some of the premier manufacturing and industrial facilities of the southeast.

3)  We are a leader in recreation.

The Town of Fletcher’s Parks and Recreation Department is working to make Fletcher the leader in recreation facilities and services in Western North Carolina and to be an active partner in health and wellness programs. The Town is implementing a Greenways Master Plan to link businesses and industries with residential and commercial districts, as well as the Town’s recreational facilities. Through an infrastructure of trails, parks, and sidewalks, the Town of Fletcher provides increased opportunities for recreational activities and alternative transportation for both residents and employees.  The Town has been awarded many awards for Bill Moore Community Park, as the best park in WNC!

4)  Fletcher is a fertile environment for growing your business.

The Town of Fletcher works closely with FABA – Fletcher Area Business Association to reach out to local businesses to determine what business leaders would like to see.   As a result of this teamwork, the Town:

Is developing a mixed-use, downtown business district that will feature small businesses, professional and commercial space, retail, and restaurants.  The “Heart of Fletcher District” will be a special zoning district and connect to our greenway system and parks.

Is working with local banks and business leaders to provide information to entrepreneurs and prospective business owners on available resources and local requirements and considerations for a successful business.

FABA sponsors “After Five” events, Membership Events, and Training Events with local business sponsors and partners to bring business leaders together to network, learn about the Fletcher area, and have fun.

5) Fletcher is future thinking, but action-oriented.

Through the Town’s strategic approach to planning, our community is striving to accomplish today what will position us well for the future.  Examples of this include the greenways master plan, the “Heart of Fletcher” development district, zoning and subdivision ordinances, and town efforts to expand and improve water and sewer infrastructure and service.  The Town is also exploring high-speed Internet access, creative stormwater management strategies, and open space provisions.  Town staff is always looking for new opportunities and resources to provide the best and most advanced service in local government while keeping our tax rate as low as possible.

For Fletcher, “Pride in our past, and faith in our future” is more than just a phrase placed across the Town insignia.  It is how we conduct ourselves today in order to be a leader in the future.

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