Town of Fletcher, North Carolina

Title VI


The Town of Fletcher will not exclude from participation, deny the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against, any person, under any program or activity conducted or funded by the Town of Fletcher, based on age, sex, race, color, religious belief, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, income level, military status, veteran status, limited English proficiency, or any other characteristic protected under state or federal law not specifically listed.

Any person who believes they have been wronged by a discriminatory act (whether by an action or an inaction) of the Town of Fletcher or its funding recipients, has the right to file a complaint with the Town of Fletcher. For instructions on how to file a complaint or additional information regarding the Town of  Fletcher’s nondiscrimination obligations, please use the following contact information or consult the Town’s policies posted to this webpage:

Heather N. Taylor
Assistant Town Manager/Title VI Coordinator
300 Old Cane Creek Road, Fletcher NC 28732

Town of Fletcher. Non-Discrimination Policy Statement

Town of Fletcher. External Discrimination Complaint Instructions

Town of Fletcher. Discrimination Complaint Form

Featured News

Holiday Schedule

Posted on 03/25/2025

Town of Fletcher Holiday Schedule Fletcher Town offices will be closed the following day due to holiday observances.  Please note these changes in trash and recycling pickup schedules: Good Friday– Friday, April…

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Document Shred and Pill Drop Event

Posted on 03/13/2025

This free event provides Fletcher residents a way to help reduce clutter, reduce their chances of becoming a victim of identity theft, safely dispose of old medications, and help the environment. Saturday,…

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FEMA Deadline Extended

Posted on 03/10/2025

North Carolina Tropical Storm Helene survivors now have until April 7, 2025, to apply for assistance with FEMA. Survivors who have insurance are encouraged to file a claim for disaster-caused damage before…

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Easter Egg Hunt

Posted on 03/06/2025

Easter Egg Hunt at Bill Moore Community Park Join us for a fun-filled Easter celebration at Bill Moore Community Park! Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 12th,…

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