Highway 25 Streetscape Project Update
Posted on 12/17/2019
Update on the Highway 25 Corridor Enhancements
As many are aware, the Town of Fletcher has been engaged in a streetscape enhancement project along Highway 25 from Cane Creek Road to Howard Gap Road. We are very excited about the improvements, but are equally frustrated over some of the delays that have been experienced over the course of construction. On the surface, this project may seem relatively simple compared to other roadway construction projects. However, there are many layers involved as we have had to work with DOT and FHWA to make sure that we are compliant with their standards, as well as with Duke Energy to coordinate work on the pedestrian lighting and getting power to the new monuments and clock tower. All of these factors have created multiple layers of oversight and there have been hiccups along the way as certain elements have had to be corrected or delayed for various reasons.
As of this writing, Duke Energy is in the final stages of getting the conduit needed to get the power on to the clock tower structure. Some of the remaining items yet to be completed include several stamped asphalt crosswalks, some minor adjustments to the travel lane striping, and monitoring of the landscaping to see what does not survive the winter. The crosswalks won’t be completed until spring due to weather and temperature. When that work occurs, we will experience a few additional days of congested traffic, as there will be some brief lane closures. The landscaping that doesn’t make it through the winter will be replaced at no additional charge to the Town (or to taxpayers!) as it is all under warranty.
We do regret the delays on this project, but we are coming to the end quickly, and we ask residents to “please pardon our dust,” as we near completion. We are hopeful that the aesthetic enhancements to the corridor bring value to the Town, and help make our core center more attractive for future retail and commercial development. And we are grateful for everyone’s patience and understanding through the construction process.